G.H. Commentary by
Lucky and Sam Get It On
This week after trying to get his wife to
make love, actually just have sex, and
failing miserably, Lucky Spencer trots on
over to Sam’s apartment to let out his
frustrations, horizontally. He does not even
bother to hide it from his brother as he
kicks Nikolas out of Sam’s apartment.
I know there are LuSam fans out there, and I
apologize for how I am about to go off. The
whole scene was a huge bowl of absolute
disgust to me. First off the powers that be
(TPTB) ticked me off because of two things:
Lucky telling Sam that she’s so beautiful
and their conversation about no regrets. As
a ridiculous (I will admit it) and sometimes
irrational (I will admit that too) Liz and
Jason (Liason) fan, I saw it as drawing a
parallel to Liason’s night of passion (NOP).
I felt that even the hint of a comparison is
a complete insult to the wonderful
baby-making night Jason and Elizabeth
First off I think Greg Vaughn and Kelly
Monaco are absolutely spectacular. They
actually do look great together. Ironically,
I do not have any issues with them being
together if it was done differently. There
is nothing romantic or sexy or hot about
them having sex together. I thought the
whole thing was sleazy and seedy. I could
barely watch it mainly because of how and
why it came about. Sam, no matter what the
little hoochie mama says, only slept with
Lucky to get back at Liz and Jason. I mean
she even made sure that they had sex exactly
where she told Jason they would. If that is
not a planned seduction then I haven’t been
watching General Hospital for the better
part of 20 years.
Lucky only slept with her because he is fed
up with Liz and wants to get back at her.
Mostly, I hate the fact that Lucky allowed
himself to be played. It does not matter
that he knows that Sam is using him. He is
still totally unaware of the type of lying
manipulator that she truly is. It is
painfully evident when he tells her how
beautiful she is and follows it up with
stating that he bets no one ever told her
that. Can they make Lucky, a once wonderful
character, look anymore like a fool. Sam has
heard that she is beautiful more times than
she can possible count. The girl is a
scheming hoochie who uses her looks and body
to get what she wants. Oh, she has
definitely heard how beautiful she is.
TPTB try to make it seem less sleazy than it
really is, but when Sam offers to be his
anytime meal regardless of his commitments,
the sleaze factor just goes off the charts.
Here is the problem. Lucky still loves
Elizabeth. He is just angry right now and
lashing out because he knows she has already
slipped away from him. However, this whole
scene with Lucky jumping into bed with Sam
is just another illumination of how weak he
is as a man.
Lucky has suffered this character flaw for
so long that, as a viewer, I really do not
expect more from him. Elizabeth did not run
off to Jason. It was more like Lucky created
circumstances that created the pathway for
Elizabeth to run away from him. In reality,
Lucky’s behavior over the past year and a
half could have driven Elizabeth to anyone.
She happens to have a history with Jason
that made it that much easier.
There is no one to blame in this situation
as all parties have done their wrongful
deeds (or else it would not be much of a
soap opera or much fun to watch), but Lucky’s
character needs a major overhaul and has
needed one for a longtime coming. Let’s hope
when he loses his family, he moves in a new
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Page updated 5/28/12