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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Rachel

The Hypocrite

Lucky was an adulterer addict who lied to Liz for months, while constantly accusing her of cheating on him with Patrick.  After their marriage was clearly over, Liz had a night of passion with Jason and decided not to tell Lucky, due to fear that he would return to drugs.  So why is it, that now the secret is out, Liz has been branded with a capital “A” and persecuted by Lucky, when in fact, it was him who set this in motion?

I don’t understand how Lucky has made himself into the victim.  How hypocritical of Lucky to judge Liz, when she forgave him?  After what he put her through, the jealousy, the drugs, Maxie and her “pregnancy,” he should have nothing to say.  Emily, Nikolas and even Lulu, have agreed that Lucky should just forgive and forget.  All see how Liz forgave him, yet he can’t do the same.

Now throw Sam into the mix.  Her sole reason for even talking to Lucky is to keep reminding him of Liz sleeping with Jason.  By doing so, Lucky continues to be angry at Liz. Sam uses that anger for her own benefits, mainly to get revenge on Liz.  Yet, Lucky is too dumb or too blind by rage, to realize this.  If he did, he wouldn’t be running to Sam every chance he gets.

My only question is, when is enough enough?  When will Lucky stop playing the hypocritical wounded victim and take some responsibility for his own actions, which produced Liz’s actions?  It’s time to either forgive her or let her go.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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