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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

General Dullness
By Destiny P.
August 7, 2007

Sorry for the delay but computer trouble has kept me from posting. This summer has proved to be a dull one for this soap. Somewhere along the line Jason has become the anointed one and has his band of followers who seem to worship the ground he walks on. We have Carly of course who has an unhealthy type obsession with him. Sonny who depends on him and has to clear everything with him. Of course Liz has become quite a hypocrite and feels that since she has given birth to the anointed one's child she has the right to look down on everyone else. Sam has gone off the deep end and I predict Lucky will follow. Though I am looking forward to their revenge on those who have ticked them off. Apparently Kate and Amelia have jumped aboard the worship train and even Jerry is helping to clear Jason's name. Heck I predict that Jax will also jump on board. Lord knows that Robin, Spinelli and Lulu are already worshipping at his alter.

I find myself fast-forwarding through this crap and wondering how Steve Burton who portrays Jason Morgan managed to get the writers to worship his character. Of course we have Jax who has been kidnapped by his brothers psychotic ex and now has to sleep with her. Ok that's stupid. Jerry is teaming up with Carly to not only clear Saint Jason but also find Jax. I swear the scene of Jerry kissing Carly made me want to puke. I am none too thrilled of how they are screwing with CarJax and Jerry/Alexis. I have been waiting patiently for Jerry/Alexis to hook up only to have Jerry hopping in bed with Dr. Kelly Lee and then some prostitute. Now he is hanging around Carly and kissing her. We have Alexis who has disappeared from screen and from what I am hearing I won't get my pairing until October. Great now I have to wait two-three months.

Scrubs have been doing their usual bickering and Robin wants a baby. I say give them a baby and move on. However things have complicated since Noah is getting down and dirty with Anna. Very awkward considering the fact that their kids have been shacking up. Though I must admit that Noah/Anna are pretty hot I find myself wondering what became of Robert Scorpio I thought that he and Anna would have gotten back together but as usual I was wrong.

The whole Cooper/Maxie/Logan/Lulu stuff bores me to tears. I predict they will play musical beds. Cooper will find out that Maxie is fooling around with Logan and dump her. Lulu will find out as well and seek comfort with Cooper. Boring.

Sonny/Kate are actually kind of good and there is chemistry and with her I can actually tolerate Sonny. Other then that this show is boring me to tears. I can only hope that it gets interesting but I am not holding my breath.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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