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2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

By Tommy G. 7/27/07

Same Time Same Number

Same Time Same Number is a wonderful Podcast soap, the first of its kind which will be airing on the website

Constance Towers who portrays Helena Cassadine on ABC's hit drama General Hospital will be the star of this series which will be offered on CD.

The Pilot episode will be available by Monday, July 30, online and this seven episode drama will be a wonderful family story. Constance plays Joan Ramsey, a veteran soap star whose family is fractured and damaged from previous traumas and issues within the family. Richard Beattie plays Jason Ramsey, her Radio Personality son, who decides to contact his mother after a period of family estrangement only to find her not so warm or welcoming.

Beattie, who stars in, directs, produces and wrote the drama says, "When I wrote this, I knew it was a role I wanted to do with Connie (Towers). The two share a special bond. Richard worked with Towers thirty-five years ago this month on stage. He has starred with her in "The Sound of Music," "The King and I" and other performances. Beattie, a husband and father, felt that this was a very good subject and comesat a time when family values is an issue in not only our nation but even politics today. "Connie would be the only person who could play this. I really enjoyed taping with her, it was as if we had been working together all of these years. She is one of the best mothers I have ever known and that is why she is perfect for this role."

Towers has rave reviews for Beattie also. I had no idea my little Richard would grow up to be so handsome and so talented. His writing is superb, and I am honored to read the lines he so aptly wrote for me. He and his sisters were my kids when my own kids (Michael and Maureen) were growing up.

His parents are wonderful people and now he's a father of grown children himself. I simply cannot believe it. When I worked with him in the studio, it was as if he had not changed one bit. Only more talented and more handsome."

Beattie works on many family oriented projects. The father of three is one of the most respected people in Colorado's radio industry. But he's a very modest young man. This series will chronicle the mother son relationship between these two characters with other guest stars, including yours truly in the mix. Yes, I get to play myself. After doing so last winter on HGTV's "Living with Ed." I get to play myself, the publicist who is a guest on Jason Ramsey's radio show. I was honored to be offered a cameo by Producer Beattie.

I have been lucky enough to see the scripts for this series, Same Time Same Number, and it's a powerful series that is easy to follow. With Towers and Beattie starring together, you will have to have this series for Christmas. The story leads up to whether or not Jason and Joan will decide to get together for Thanksgiving. The CD set will be offered for sale at the above website address at the end of the seven-week series, which starts in less than a week. Contact the website, and you can be one of the first listeners of this wonderful series.

Towers will be featured in the next ABC Soaps In Depth which goes on the stands on July 31. Beattie can be contacted via the above listed website, and the writer, Tommy Garrett is a columnist for Canyon Newspaper in Beverly Hills and San Francisco News in San Francisco.

Photo: Richard Beattie in studio Envoy, Colorado Springs (Jason Ramsey)

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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