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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Rachel

The Right Time

The year was 1999 when Jason “rescued” Elizabeth from an unruly suitor at Jake’s.  Elizabeth just “lost” Lucky in a fire and Jason was nursing a broken heart.  That night their friendship began. 

For the next few years, Jason came and went from Port Charles, Lucky came back from the dead and Elizabeth found herself in an unfamiliar position.  Although she loved Lucky, she had strong feelings for Jason.  This was evident every time Jason came to see her or she went searching for him.  Yet, the timing was wrong. She was committed to Lucky, not for true love, but because he came back to her.  There was only a small possibility that Elizabeth would leave Lucky for Jason.  

Now fast forward through failed marriages and failed relationships, to the present.  Jason and Elizabeth have maintained a friendship and due to disruptions within their own relationships, had a one night stand.  Yet, for these two, it was definitely not a one night stand, more like a consummation of a past relationship and the prospects of a present one.  It also produced a child. 

Jacob Martin Spencer (Morgan), their secret love child, has bonded these two together for ever.  Elizabeth has already admitted to Jason, that she loves him, even though she continues to stay with Lucky.  Although Jason hasn’t admitted it, he too has love for Elizabeth.  It can be seen in his eyes when he sees her, the tone of his voice when he speaks to her and in his readiness to come to her defense or rescue her from danger. 

With the downfall of Jason and Sam’s relationship and the marriage of Elizabeth and Lucky, could the timing be right to revisit a Jason and Elizabeth union?  After all, they have the history, the love and now a child.  Would it be so wrong for them to finally give in to what they know is right?   

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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