G.H. Commentary by
The Blaming Game
After watching GH for years, I just
have one question, why does Sam always blame someone else for her problems?
For example, when she lost her baby, she blamed Alexis. When the adoption
fell through, she blamed Courtney. When he brother died, she blamed
Alexis. When Jason broke up with Sam, she blamed Alexis. Now, Sam blames
Liz for Jason not telling her about Jake’s true paternity.
How exactly is it Liz’ fault that
Jason has decided not to tell Sam? The last time I looked, Jason was a
grown man, who didn’t allow others to make decisions for him. Therefore, he
has chosen in his own free will, not to tell Sam about Jake. Just like Sam
has made the choice not to tell Jason about her sordid past.
Maybe Jason decided not to tell Sam
about Jake, because he remembered how she acted when he told her there was a
possibility that he was the baby’s father. She went into a “how could you
deny me a baby and give one to her” rant, for days. Maybe, he knew that if
she knew that Jake was his son, she would do more damage then good, such as
obsess over the fact that Jason had a child with Liz. Also, she would
demand access to the baby on Jason’s “behalf.”
The simple fact is Jason knows
Sam. He knows how she will kill without a second thought and have no
remorse for her actions. From her very colorful past, even without
knowledge of her marrying con, Jason knows that she will lie, cheat, steal
and disappear, at a drop of a hat. Also, that she’s only truly loyal to
herself. In light of her many negative attributes, maybe he just doesn’t
see her as the mother of his child. Nevertheless, for once and for all, if
Sam wants to blame someone, blame herself. If she didn’t have a one night
stand with Rick, none of this would be happening.
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