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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

By Ryan T.

     For the past two months, Lulu Spencer has known about the baby secret.  That being that her brother, Lucky, is not the real father of Elizabeth’s baby, but Jason is.  Anyone would be crushed to learn that their brother is unknowingly preparing for the birth of someone else’s child.  But, Lulu has become a broken record lately preaching that the secret cannot be revealed.  It’s becoming a rather annoying quality in her.

      I have been a fan of Lulu from the beginning.  She’s always been a favorite of mine.  She’s smart, funny, and adventurous.  Her storylines have always been great to watch.  But, lately, there is nothing great about watching Lulu.  All I have seen from her is constant discussion about the baby and how Lucky can never find out that he’s not the father.  She’s always lecturing Jason on how he can never come forward that he is the father, how Lucky will be devastated and hurt.  For one, she has no right to tell Jason what he can and cannot do.  And her constant involvement in the rest of the PC residents lives is getting really old.  Enough is enough. 

      Lucky is a grown man.  He needs to deal with his own problems.  No one’s helping him by keeping this secret from him.  When he does find out, he’s going to go absolutely wild.  And, when he finds out his sister knew this whole time, I don’t think he’ll be too happy. 

      I wish Lulu would stop worrying about everyone else’s problems and worry about herself for a while.  I want to see more interaction between Lulu and Logan, a potential new love for her.  Or how about more girl fights with Maxie?  That’s always fun to watch.  Lulu needs to have her own issues to deal with, not constantly worrying about everyone else’s.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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