GH Commentary by
Destiny Eve Pifer
"General Hospital Sweeps"
May is finally here and as usual its time for every soap to try and boost
their ratings. That means pulling out all the stops and trying to out do
everyone else.
The final week of April brought the Carly/Jax wedding event. I have lost
count at how many times each one has been married. Though fans are thrilled
I have a feeling that the marriage won’t last. One reason is that
Craig/James Bronson is really Jerry Jacks. Yes my jaw hit the ground along
with every one else. However I do like Sebastian Roche and as long he keeps
gracing my screen I will continue to watch. Now many are asking what
happened to the loveable Jerry. I am guessing he was tortured and
brainwashed. After all he has many enemies and apparently made a few more in
Russia. So yep he had to be brainwashed or serious messed with.
We have the whole Nicholas dying and Robin/Patrick/Emily trying to save him.
You would think that they would have been a bit smart. Come on surely
Nicholas could have had Alfred slip something into the water and drug Craig.
Then they could have searched for the counter agent. If they only put their
brains together then surely they could come up with something. Sadly they
are allowing themselves to be pawns in his game and I am just shaking my
Ah yes then we have the miracle baby about to be born. I have never seen
such hype over a soap opera baby then the one whose parents are to be
Jason/Liz. I think the whole thing is just messed up. Here we have Liz who
not only shacked up with Jason but is also making googly eyes at him while
her husband sits clueless. We have poor Lucky all excited thinking the baby
is his. Man is he going to be crushed to little pieces. We have Jason who is
keeping the truth from Sam who has to be suspecting something. I predict
that she too will crumble to pieces at the truth.
Meanwhile we have endure this ridiculous plot involving Sam/Amelia which is
fast-forward material to me.
We still have four guys pining over Lulu who is being groomed to be the new
Carly. I personally don’t think she deserves four guys pining over her. Poor
Georgie is being left out cold and Dillon doesn’t seem to acknowledge that
she is even alive. What is wrong with this picture? What did Georgie’s
portrayer do to tick off the writers? In my opinion pushing that actress and
her character aside is just cruel. I hope she jumps ship and goes to another
soap or finds a better gig.
Sonny and Amelia-Who cares? I sure don’t. To make matters worse they are
bringing on yet another woman for him. Fast-Forward material.
Alan’s Ghost is pretty funny and the whole scene with Luke wanting Tracy to
put on the blond wig and pretend to be Laura was hilarious. I loved every
word that came out of Alan’s mouth. Loving the whole Ghost story it’s a
Really sad that they successfully destroyed Ted Kings character Lorenzo
Alcazar. Its awful and cruel. They could have had Lorenzo and Skye take Lila
Rae and leave town for good. They could have journeyed back to Pine Valley
and shook up the lives over there. God forbid they should have a happy
ending. Now Lorenzo is being made to be the scum of the earth and will die a
violent death. Skye will probably hook up with Ric for a short time and then
who knows probably die a violent death as well. Disrespectful really
The whole Scott wanting guardianship over Laura is just stupid. I doubt she
would approve of him bullying her children. Its no wonder she left him in
the first place. He seems to be a controlling jerk who hasn’t gotten over
his obsession with her which is even more stupid. Come on pal move on there
are plenty of fish in the sea. Besides the poor woman is catatonic and
will not be waking up any day soon. Even if she did she would probably run
for the hills.
A few predictions………………
I predict the CarJax marriage will hit some speed bumps. Carly will
spot Sonny with this new Kate person and once again her claws will come out.
Meanwhile Jax will try to keep Jerry/Craig safe from the town mob who wants
to lynch him.
Lulu will discover that long ago Luke raped Laura and it will cause her to
turn her back on her father and loved ones.
Out of the four clowns who are fighting over her I predict that she will
chose Logan for now and maybe Spinelli down the road.
Dillon will fade off to the background
Jerry/Craig will pursue Alexis who will still be kept in the dark over his
true identity as well as his whole psycho side.
Lucky will go back to drugs or start drinking.
He and Sam may end up together
Liz and Jason may raise their baby together. Dare we hope that someday he
leaves the mob for good.
Alky dies and Skye moves on to the next disaster waiting to happen.
Noah continues to linger on the back burner as well as Monica and Bobbie.
I continue to use my fast forward button through most of these storylines
with the exception of Jerry/Alexis storyline/romance, Scrubs story,
Tracy/Alan ghost story which seem to be the only ones I like to watch.
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.
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Page updated 5/28/12