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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Rachel

Face Off

GH has sunk to a new low by making Mr. Craig into a recast of Jerry Jacks.  Do they really think that their viewers are that gullible to believe that Mr. Craig could be Jerry Jacks?  If so, then there are too many inconsistencies to this story. 

First off, the Metro Court hostage situation, why would Jerry takeover his brother’s hotel?  Why would he shot Robin knowing how much she means to Jax?  Why would he threaten Carly, who is not only Jack’s girl, but Bobbie’s daughter?  After all, Jerry left PC madly in love with Bobbie. 

Secondly, why would Jerry need Nikolas?  The Jacks’ have money and resources to accommodate Jerry’s needs.  Therefore, it would not be necessary for Jerry to threaten Nikolas and Robin (again) with impending death, if Nikolas doesn’t help him.   

Thirdly, why does it appear that Jerry has never met Alexis?  Since Alexis is Jax’ best friend and second ex-wife, you would think that Jerry would remember her.  Yet, when Alexis made a surprise visit to the island, it appeared that he never knew her.   

With these three inconsistencies alone, I can not believe that they would pass off Mr. Craig as Jerry Jacks without some type of explanation.  Actually, let’s make it three explanations.  Why the hostage situation and shooting of Robin?  Why does he need Nikolas’ help with a new identity?  Why doesn’t he remember Alexis?  Does anyone know (including the writers), what the heck is going on?  If so, then let me know, because I’m one viewer who’s absolutely clueless. 

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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