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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Rachel

Lights and Cameras

A role model is a person whose behavior is imitated by others.  Usually, role models possess some sense of decency, have morals or beliefs and represent a high virtue.  With this in mind, how can Sam honestly believe that she’s a role model?  

In the past three and a half years since Sam arrived in Port Charles, she has not displayed any of the requirements for being a role model.  If anything, she would be the poster child for what not to become.  No one in their right mind would want their daughter growing up to be Sam and by the chance there is, there’s a list of reasons why this parent needs to have his/her daughter taken away. 

Since Sam has been in PC, she has been labeled a con artist, a mistress, a gold-digger, a liar and a murderer.  Of course there are other names I’m sure she’s been called, but there’s not enough paper in the world to write them all.  Still, these are not labels a role model should have.  One would think that she has too many skeletons out of her closet to even consider herself as a role model. 

Apparently, Sam has more skeletons in her closet as well, hence Amelia’s true agenda. 

Therefore, knowing that you still have secrets, why would you risk it, for a television show?  We are in the age of the internet and private investigators, if there’s dirt to be found, it will.   

Sam has to be really stupid to think that after all the cons she has pulled, no one will recognize her.  That she will be able to prance around, be in commercial spots and host a show, and not be found out.  Either she really believes this or the bullet did more than end her chances at reproduction.  Maybe it was her brain surgery that has made her so clueless.  It has to be something more than sheer arrogance…right? 

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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