/Emily storyline. I
like the Mr. Craig character because he is a good villain who hopefully
changes into a good man. Lets face it he made the hostage storyline pretty
interesting.Not to mention that the actor who
portrays him is pretty yummy and that French accent makes him even yummier.
I am looking forward to a Craig/Alexis romance because she may be the one to
redeem him and he may just come to her rescue a few times. Especially when
it comes to Ric wanting to bully her around. Everyone has a weakness and
Craig’s weakness may be Alexis. Who knows maybe we might get a look into his
past and see why he turned out the way that he did. Like Alcazar losing the
love of his life Sophia. I am guessing that maybe either Mr. Craig lost a
ladylove who something truly horrible happened.
Sure I am a Scrubs fan and not to
happy to see them split apart however it is giving both Robin and Nicholas a
story. It’s nice to see Patrick having to try and fight for Robin. No matter
what happens I have a feeling Scrubs will go off together hopefully with a
baby in tow. As for Nicholas it’s nice to see him in an interesting
storyline instead of the same old boring stuff involving Helena and Emily. I
like how he stands up to Craig but at the same time is helpless because he
wants to protect the ones he loves.
Now the boring and dull storylines
that are currently grating my nerves. The whole Rick Webber crap needs to
end soon before I start pulling out my hair. At one time I liked Lulu and
thought she had the potential to be a great character but as of lately she
had turned into a whiney brat. Good grief all this woe as me boo hoo crap is
making me seriously hate that character. Not to mention that she suddenly
has not just three guys but now four guys panting after her. Give me a
break. Like we want to see some young girl having to chose which guy to go
out with. I sure don’t. I like the Maxie and Lulu fights because they prove
to be pretty interesting. Maxie is a soap opera vixen and a good one.
The whole Sonny/Carly/Jax crap is fast
forward material to me. It is sad to see Jax who at one time was a hero who
swept women off their feet pining after a woman like Carly. I seriously hate
the new Carly because she is just so nasty and stuck-up. All of this high
and mighty crap and not to mention the bed hopping. She can’t seem to make
up her mind which man she wants and sleeps with both then dumps both. Its
like come on make up your damn mind. I think Jax needs to go off and find
Brenda ASAP. Sorry but I believe that he and Brenda were soul mates and how
they ended things just wasn’t right.
The Jason/Liz/Lucky crap also is fast
forward material as well as Sam the hero/diva. Boring Very Boring.
The Tracy and Alan scenes are pretty funny and its nice to see
Stuart Damon having some fun but I really wish they would have treated him a
lot better. He was a great character and it’s a shame that he was wasted.
Now it appears that Monica may already be moving on. I am seeing a
Monica/Noah romance on the horizon. Their interaction with each other tells
me that sparks may fly between them. Wow and I thought that surely Bobbie
would be getting some action soon. It would have been nice to see a
Bobbie/Scotty romance but Scotty is being painted into a Villain.
Ah yes and my poor Lorenzo Alcazar who
I adored and had hoped would have rode off in the sunset with Skye and Lila
Rae may very well be killed during May Sweeps. I can’t blame Ted Kind for
wanting off the show. TPTB successfully ruined his character. A character
that softened after meeting the nice version of Carly. I liked him and Skye
together and was happy to see them have a daughter but then came the
obsession with Sonny and Jason and that destroyed him. Now once again
another character will be sacrificed for the sake of those two. I have a
feeling that down the road Ric may very well bite the dust as well. Mr.
Craig who is currently my fave will of course develop an obsession with
Sonny and Jason as well. Knowing the TPTB and their favoritism of
Sonny/Jason/Carly characters must be sacrificed so that they are made out to
be heroes. Who knows they may have poor Craig falling at Carly’s feet
declaring his love for him and right there will be the very end. Hey it
happened to Alcazar and Jax. That woman just sucked the toughness right out
of them and made them into horn dogs lusting after her every move. Very sad.
I also think its very sad that Robert
Scorpio is nowhere to be found. TPTB don’t seem to feel the need for
Tristian Rogers and that just sucks because he is so awesome. Lets face it
if Robert knew what was happening with his daughter he would kick the crap
out of Craig and straighten things real fast. God I miss that character and
also the potential of an Anna/Lorenzo romance, which would have been a lot
better. Its sad when good characters and good storylines are dropped for
really sucky ones.
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