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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

Jason’s Plight
By Rachel

In the past few weeks it’s become obvious that Jason “Stone Cold” Morgan is slowly falling apart.  Apparently, he’s not sleeping and when he does, he’s dreaming of telling Lucky the truth.  He’s not concentrating at work, Sonny has already informed him that he’s not focused.  Only the blind and truly self-centered (Sonny, Carly and Sam), can not see that Jason is dealing with something major, something more than the loss of Alan. 

Jason is about to become a father.  Liz asked him to reframe from claiming the child, to protect Lucky and possibly Sam.  Jason has done what she asked of him. Yet, it’s evident that Jason wants to be a father to his child. 

In pure soap fashion, Jason and Liz’s secret, has been exposed.  Spinelli uncovered the paternity secret and was forced to tell Lulu.  Now Jason had the task of convincing Lulu that keeping the secret would be the best thing.  Yet, it’s obvious that Jason hoped that she would tell it.  This way, he keeps his word to Liz and at the same time, able to claim his child.  After all, it would not be his fault if Lulu told her brother that the baby was not his. 

With the secret safe for now and Jason acting un-Jason like, how long will it be before the truth comes out?  Will his so-called friends realize that something’s wrong?  Will his self-centered girlfriend finally see his pain?  For these answers we have to unfortunately “stay tuned” to find out. 

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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