G.H. Commentary by
Same Love Triangle…Just New Girl
For most of the mid-90’s, Sonny, Brenda and Jax did
their usual dance, with Brenda in the middle. It has always seemed that
Brenda truly loved Sonny, and Jax was the guy she settled for. Maybe she
convinced herself that she did love Jax, but her constant need for Sonny
suggested other wise.
Nevertheless, this triangle went on for years, with
Brenda always choosing Sonny. You would think that Jax would realize that
women who have loved Sonny return to him, especially when the feeling is
mutual. So, taking this into consideration, why would Jax fall for Carly?
Sonny and Carly have been married 4 times and divorced
3 times, yet they always seem to come back for more. Both characters have
always said that they do love each other, it’s the other things like “trust”
that gets into their way. Therefore, it would appear that all other
relationships will never measure up. If this is the case, why did Jax even
bother trying?
Jax knows the rules of this game, he’s played it
before. The “woman” in question will be unable to decide, before making the
obvious choice…Sonny. Jax will go on with his life, yet still pinning for
the “woman”. When Sonny and the “woman” take a break, Jax will be there.
This is when he will be able to “wine and dine” her and make her his…that is
until she wants Sonny again.
Is it me or does it appear that Jax doesn’t mind being
second best? He’s the “loser” in this game, always eventually getting the
girl, after the winner has had her. This time is no different. Over the
last couple of months Sonny has tried to get Carly back. He even got her to
marry him under false pretenses. Also, they recently slept together. If
Jax can’t see the writing on the wall, then he deserves what’s coming. And
trust me, it’s coming.
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