Commentary by
Tell the Truth
The scene has been set. Lucky is off of drugs, yet still fighting to
stay clean. Liz and the baby are the only things keeping him away from
drugs. Sam finds out that she can’t have kids, but hasn’t told Jason.
Jason is looking forward to having a baby after his usual “my world is
dangerous” doubt about being a father. This is the perfect time for Liz to
reveal the truth about the baby to Jason.
Any trained viewer could see this set up coming from a mile away. Since
their night together, I knew that she would end up pregnant without knowing
if the baby was Jason’s or Lucky’s. It was too obvious for it not to happen
and it would’ve been a bad decision if it didn’t happen.
Considering Liz’s history with Jason and her history with Lucky, it’s the
perfect storyline. With the addition of an insecure and jealous Sam, and a
Liz obsessed Rick, this storyline could be monumental. Once the truth is
revealed, Luck will relapse, Sam will stalk Liz and complain how it’s not
fair, and Rick will go gunning for Jason even harder than he has. The rest
of the town will react accordingly. Edward will try to get to Liz, since
she is pregnant with the Quartermaine heir. Lulu will go ballistic. Maxie
will rub it in Lucky’s face and probably berate Liz. Carly will become even
more of a witch to Liz. Sonny, Emily and Nicholas will accept it. The only
person who truly will be happy will be Jason.
It’s no secret how Jason feels for Liz. Whether Sam chooses to see it,
Jason has a special bond with Liz. After ten years of friendship and/or
romance, Liz and Jason’s relationship just recently became physical. He
trusts her and in times of need, she delivers. She has saved his
life…twice. He has confided in her more times to count. He will always be
Liz’s “rock” whenever she needs it.
If the writers get cold feet and ultimately makes Liz’s baby Lucky’s,
then all of the possibilities will be gone. Liz and Jason fans (including
myself), once again will be duped into believing that they would finally
have Liason. It’s been a long time coming, now that it’s here, I can’t bear
to see it ruined.
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.
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Page updated 5/28/12