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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

BENT Review
by Terry C.


Lucky me....I was able to attend the Theater 68 Opening Night of the play BENT starring Tyler Christopher. Tyler's portrayal of Max was absolutely fabulous. The role is perfect for him; do see it if you can.

It was a nice evening; I had dinner with friends I met on Tyler cruise. There was an Opening Night gathering after the show. I was with a group from TCB; Tyler came over to say hi to us, he's such a nice guy. He welcomed us and thanked us for going; we talked a few minutes he told us to stay.

While my friend and I visited we spent a few minutes talking to Rick Hearst about the play. When it was time to leave I let Tyler know we were going, he came over to say good bye and thanked us again; he's very sweet and gracious host. I hope you all have the opportunity to see the play. The following is my review of the play: Bent...

I think MasterCard said it best
Getting the opportunity to see Tyler perform on stage.... Priceless
If there is a way do it!!

Bent is a tragic love story set during Hitler's regime. The story began in Berlin during the time the Gestapo was imprisoning and murdering members of the Jewish, Gypsy, Jehovah Witness and Homosexual communities. A drunken liaison at the time of the purge of gay men in the Nazi rank put Max and boyfriend Rudy in the middle of the homosexual roundup. Max and Rudy were arrested and transported to Dachau in a cattle car where Max met Horst. Bent is their story of passion and love during the oppression and extermination of Homosexual men in Nazi Germany.

To say Tyler was fabulous is not enough. It was surreal; from the moment Tyler walked on the stage as Max Berber he commanded the attention of every person in the audience. There were moments when you could have heard a pin drop in the sold out audience. He was raw, intense, funny and tragic. The range of emotion he brought us through was amazing, I laughed, I cried, I was angry, I was heartbroken and in the end I was devastated. Bravo!!!

The supporting cast was outstanding; Jamison Jones was brilliant in his portrayal of Horst, as were Stephen Kline who played Rudy, Andrew Miller who played Wolf, Paul A. Hicks who played Greta and Rick Schiaffo who played Freddie. This is a must see for all Tyler fans and Theater fans alike.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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