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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

Commentary by Rachel

Bless Me Father…

They say that confession is good for the soul.  I have a confession to make.  I absolutely loved Robert LaSardo as Manny Ruiz.  He was psychotic enforcer he tormented his victims as he tried to kill them.  Although, I never got his obsession with Sam, I did enjoy him stalking her.  The idea of Sam dying at the hands of Manny would have been the perfect ending for such a useless character, playing a victim more than a heroine.

Manny’s death was inevitable, yet could have been postponed for another year.  Remember how long Faith was on the show?  She was also a threat, yet never silenced.  Manny could have been the same way.  Apparently, for some reason, that could not have happened, but the viewers have been given the next best thing, Father Mateo Ruiz.

Father Mateo Ruiz is Manny’s identical twin brother who was even more ruthless than Manny until he found God.  Mateo has come to Port Charles to heal the emotional wounds that Manny left behind.  No one trusts him.  As far as the town is concerned, he’s Manny posing as a priest or Manny’s brother looking to avenge his brothers’ death.  Either way, I could care less.  Good or Bad…Robert LaSardo is back.

Can’t you just see the endless possibilities Robert’s new character could bring?  He could revert back to his old ways and be ruthless and have the same obsession with Sam or even Liz.  He could remain a priest yet fall for one of the women in Port Charles, like Carly.  He could blackmail Ric with his confessions about Liz or tell the affected parties of Ric’s devious ways.  Furthermore, he could be secretly working with Lorenzo to avenge the Ruiz family, since blood is thicker than his faith.  Who knows what will become of PC with Father Mateo Ruiz around.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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