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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2004 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of May 10, 2004

Line of the Week:
"It's great when the things that make you happy happen at the right time." Bobbie Spencer
I put that quote in because we haven’t seen Bobbie in far too long? What has happened to the characters that helped in forming the show? No one seems to be appreciated. Put Sonny and Carly on the back burner for a little while. I wouldn’t argue.

I can’t believe that there is a new baby Morgan on General Hospital! The “old” one was such a cutie pie and so perfectly suited to playing the role of Sonny’s child! Why do they have to age the children? I want my little monkey baby back!

Poor Luke. He still loves Laura so much and he should because they are so right for each other. I love him and Skye together but Luke and Laura will always be what I think about when I see either of them. I don’t think it’s Laura who is doing all of these killings though. I know that she has gone crazy; but I just don’t see her ever wanting to do this. Someone’s playing a nasty trick. Eventually, when Laura does return, it won’t be in a way that will immediately have her going to jail.

Oh boy. Sam has fallen down the stairs; and she’s pregnant. How many times have we seen that before? Way too many! Isn’t that how Sonny lost his first child? And didn’t Elizabeth lose her baby that way also? They sure do repeat things a lot, don’t they? Something tells me that Sam won’t lose the baby this way but I don’t doubt that she will eventually lose it.

Vanessa Marcil is hosting the Emmy’s. That should be interesting. It’ll be good to see her back with the cast of General Hospital. Good luck to her!

That’s all!

Skye will go missing.
Helena is the one who kidnapped her.
Jason and Sam will marry.
Georgie and Dillon’s relationship will be on the rocks.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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