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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2004 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of April 12, 2004

Line of the Week:
Carly: "Dear Michael's mother, I have your son. Give me $500 and I'll trade him back"?

Oh where oh where can the good actors be? I want my Nancy Lee Grahn TV!! Why must GH constantly put the same actors on the front burner? Never is Sony or Carly gone, for even a day. Both Maurice and Tamara are wonderful actors, but must they always be on our screens? Let's make some room for someone other than Sonny and Carly. Alexis Davis is rarely on and it's a pure waste of Nancy's talent! The only scene that Nancy has been in lately was with the one and only arrogant jerk, Sonny Corinthos. She can't even have her own scenes any more! If your going to give her scenes with Sonny then at least make them be because she's telling him about baby Kristina. Now that'll be television worth watching! Nancy Lee Grahn is the best actress on daytime television! Give her the airtime that she deserves!

I cannot believe that Sonny has disowned Courtney, again. He is such a bigheaded jerk who needs to come off his pedestal in the sky and live in the real world! Although I'm sure we'd all like to disown our siblings every once in a while, we don't actually do it. All that Courtney did was save another human being's life. It's not betraying Sonny in any way, it's just having a different set of values. Sonny should respect her instead of disown her. I can't believe I said all that. I don't even like Courtney. LOL.

I love Luke and Skye! I truly cannot say that enough! They are such a great "couple". If I can't have Luke and Laura then Luke and Skye will definitely do!!

Get rid of Mary, or at least end this unbelievably senseless and annoying storyline! Nikolas and Emily need to be back together!!

That's enough ranting (for this week, anyways)

Congrats to Becky Herbst and Michael Saucedo. They are the proud new parents of baby Ella Bailey, born on April 12th.

Skye will disappear for a while.
Georgie and Dillon will not do what they have been planning.
Ric will receive the divorce papers from Liz.
Sonny and Carly will find Michael and may just strengthen their relationship, just like Mikey wanted.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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