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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2004 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of March 22, 2004

LINE of the WEEK:
Carly to baby Morgan:
"Hey, sweetie. It's just you and me again. Just like it was from the beginning. Oh. You held on then, even when all the terrible things happened. You know that? Because you're strong. You're so strong. You're such a fighter. And if you just keep on fighting, I promise everything's going to be ok. Mm-hmm. Oh, because you're so loved, do you know? Mommy and daddy and Michael -- we love you so much. And if you just hang on, I promise you, sweetheart, I promise you I'm going to make everything better. I promise."

Just when I was beginning to side with Sonny, possibly feeling sorry for him, he has to go and take Sam to he and Carly's special place; the island. I can't help but think that he was doing it to get back at Carly for everything, not because he truly loves Sam. The island was the one place that both Sonny and Carly felt safe together, where they mourned over the loss of their baby and where they went to be together. I cannot believe that Sonny ruined all of that by dirtying it up with Sam. It especially bugs me that, after doing all of this, he has the nerve to yell at Carly for getting the baby sick. How is any of that her fault? Sonny is such a hypocrite. He thinks he can go off gallivanting with Sam, but if Carly is with Alcazar then it is the worst thing known to man.

This whole thing with Nikolas is frustrating me. He can remember his values completely but he doesn't know his name and he knows what the army is but he doesn't know anything about pot roast. What is that? And what the heck is wrong with Mary? No one would pretend that someone else is your husband when your real husband is dead. Oh, and the fact that he and Emily are only two metres apart yet they will never know the other is there is enough to drive a person (mainly me) insane. I guess that's juts a soap opera for you.

It was so sad the way that Zander died, but not as sad as it would have been if this were his first time dying. It's too bad that his life had to end this way. I was hoping he would pick up his act and all would be well. I guess that was just wishing on my part.

That's all for now.

Carly and Sage will bond.
Emily will be very close to finding Nikolas.
Sonny will regret his decision of giving up custody of Mikey and Morgan.
Carly and Lorenzo will be over.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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