G.H. Commentary by Kelly
Week of March 15, 2004
Line of the Week:
"They'd never have us in hell, we'd end up running the place."
Helena Cassadine
Okay, the people of General Hospital have the worst bodyguards known to
man. These people are supposed to protect you and make you feel safe, but
there is no way that is going to happen. First of all, Michael has now run
away for the umpteenth time and no bodyguard ever seem to be watching him.
And, Faith was able to "disguise" herself as a nurse, and the body guard
at Alcazar's place let her just walk in the room. Clearly, they are
idiots, because the only thing that looked different about Faith was the
fact that she had on white. Fire the bodyguards! I realize that GH is just
a television show, but come on! Be a little realistic!
I'm happy that Sonny has finally come to his senses and given custody of
Michael and Morgan to Carly. They belong with her because she lives in a
less dangerous world. Sonny is showing that he truly is a good father, not
just a selfish one, because he is showing that the kids are better off in
safety. I think that Carly should follow in the same suit as Sonny, and
dump Alcazar, so that she can concentrate solely on the boys. Of course,
she did try to do that, but with Alki being blind and all, it's been kind
of hard. I truly hope this whole blind thing doesn't last. It was boring
with Liz, and it's boring with Alcazar too. And, I find it very odd that
Alcazar, who was the furthest away from the window, when it exploded, was
injured, but Carly and Alexis, who were clearly the closest to it, had no
injuries at all. That was very unrealistic.
Well, that's all for this week.
Zander will die, for real this time.
Felicia will try to solve who kidnapped Mac.
Sage will wreck Georgie.
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