G.H. Commentary by Kelly
Week of February 9, 2004
Line of the Week:
Cameron to Luke: "Choices, Luke. Ones we make for ourselves. Ones we make
for our kids."
As the fire rages on!
I cannot believe that Alexis told Carly about Sonny being the father of
baby Kristina. I suppose I would have done the same thing if I were in her
position, but I'm not. I was watching it on TV and every moment of it made
me want to yell "no!" Of course, I can't do too much complaining. After
all, this means that Nancy Lee Grahn should definitely have some great
scenes in the near future. This storyline is one that many have been
waiting for for a very long time.
Omg! I can't believe that Cameron is dead! It is so sad! His last scene
had everyone in my house crying! Why is he gone? Why God why? I actually
liked him and they built up his and Alexis' love for so long!
Luke and Skye! OMG! It is so perfect! They built the relationship up so
slowly, but it was perfect! That kiss was great! It wasn't too much to
make you sick (Luke and Skye are really far apart in age) but enough to
make you want this couple to form. I hope that if they do become a couple,
it lasts. I hope the writers don't wreck their relationship, because if
the love doesn't work out, hopefully the friendship does.
I love this fire week! Everything is so great right now!! It hasn't been
like this in a long time! I hope it keeps up, even after the fire dies!
There will be a new Edward and Lila.
L Capelli will die. (Thank you GOD! I strongly dislike this man!)
Brian will die.
Sonny and Carly will get back together.
Mac will live.
Felicia will return.
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