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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2004 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of January 26, 2004

Line of the Week:
"Courage is being terrified. Facing your terror and going on."
Luke Spencer

Finally, Sonny and Carly have broken up. After months and months of endless fighting the annoying couple has broken up. I don't think it will last very long though. I am so mad at Sonny right now though. He is being a complete a$$. I can't believe he went and slept with Sam after seeing Carly kiss Alcazar. After all, did he not kiss Brenda when they were saying goodbye? Carly forgave him then. Couldn't he have forgiven her? I am happy that Carly is with Alcazar though. It will do her some good to know what RESPECT feels like. Oh, and another thing, what the heck is Sonny thinking in taking away Michael and Morgan from their mother? Michael isn't even technically his!! And does he actually think that he'll win custody of them? His life is a very dangerous one. I hope Carly gets the boys, or at least makes a decent agreement with Sonny.

OMG! Do they expect us to believe that Sam is going to cause as much trouble between Jax and Sonny as Brenda did? She is nowhere near as interesting as Brenda was and should not be put in the same league as her. I don't have anything against Sam; I just don't want to see her compared to Brenda. It makes me sick!

I'm glad that Luke's back. I hope he gets the money from Helena. It should be an interesting storyline if he does. After all, both the Quartermaine and Cassadine families loathe him, so they may just join forces to get it back from him.

That's all for this week.

Dillon and Georgie will eventually reunite.
A fire will kill many characters off of the show.
Skye and Justus will become romantically involved.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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