G.H. Commentary by Kelly
Week of January 12, 2004
Line of the Week:
Sonny to Jax: "Didn't you used to be better at this, Jax?"
I have absolutely loved Tamara Braun's acting these past few days. At
first I thought it was pretty 'dumb' (for lack of a better word) that she
was committing herself into a mental hospital. After all, she isn't really
crazy, is she? She just a serious brain injury. But, these past few scenes
have been some of the best she's had in a while. I truly can believe the
pain she is going through, not being able to choose between Alcazar and
Sonny. It doesn't help that Faith is being pure evil; yet again, and
overdosing her on drugs. Tamara Braun is one of the greatest actresses on
daytime. I loved it when Jason picked up Carly to carry her out of the
hospital. It was so cute! It seemed like the old days of their friendship.
I really hope that Sam isn't gong to have a storyline along the lines of
Brenda. She does not deserve the love of Jax or Sonny, so to think that
they may both be fighting over her makes me sick. I don't think that she's
a bad actress, but I just don't think that anyone can replace Brenda.
EW!!! Courtney and Jason kissed. This reunion is happening sooner than I
expected. Why couldn't I live in happiness for just one more week? Why God
why? I knew that in the end they would eventually reunite, but I didn't
realize it would happen this quickly. I must admit though. It was kind of
Well, that's all this week.
Congratulations to Robin Christopher and Matt Crane on the pregnancy of
their first child, a baby due in July!
Sonny says "no" to taking Carly back.
Carly grows closer and closer to Lorenzo.
Nikolas gets some alarming family news.
Courtney accuses Carly of wrecking Sonny's and her children's lives for
Jason admits to Courtney that he loves her.
Brian is shot and Jason discovers Courtney with a gun.
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
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