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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Rant by Mary-Jo

I stopped watching GH for a while. It was so bad I couldn't stand to watch it anymore. Then I decided I would give it another try. I was sorry to see Vanessa Marcil leave but maybe she had the right idea. OK, let's get down to it. Scott Baldwin is an idiot. I know this is only a soap, but if you are going to try and reenact court settings at least try to do it right. Scott trying to be a tough D.A. NOT! I'm not liking the storyline with Luke/Lucky/Summer. Jason/Courtney don't work for me either. They aren't believable as a couple. I would still like to see him with Lizzie. Skye is an alcoholic. YES? Then why is no one trying to intervene and stop her from drinking? She plays a terrible drunk. Sonny/Carly don't work for me either. Those two are pathetic. He's trying to be this caring, wonderful father-to-be. If I have to watch months of him telling Carly to be careful when she walks, I think I'll throw up. He wants to be in control of everyone's life and in the process is losing friends, family and people who work for him. He then in turn tries to blame everyone else for his mistakes.

The daytime Emmys were announced. GH wasn't nominated for best soap. Maybe there's a reason for this. Luke/Alexis/Courtney were all nominated. Personally I don't think any of them should win.

I'm done ranting for now.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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