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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of October 6, 2003

Line of the Week:
"Well they'll notice when a chicken-fried killer is out wandering around."

What so now Carly and Sonny are super heroes that can fly from Port Charles to Paris in a matter of 10 minutes? I know everything has to be faster for TV but come on! You could not possibly make it in time for the same day! And besides, Carly had time to buy a dress and get her hair done! And why are the writers putting me through the pain of seeing Jason marry Courtney? I thought that they were finally over, but no, they are not!  I guess if Jason’s happy…

Was anyone confused about Bobbie’s reaction to Sonny moving out? When Carly told her about it she said, Oh, why? There was no emphasis on Oh either. I know that if my daughter had told me that her husband had moved out on her in her 7th month of pregnancy I would be very furious. But Bobbie was not. She must have been taking some drugs from the hospital or something because I have never seen such a horrible reaction to anything!

I am really glad that Zander finally dumped Emily She had it coming. I’m happy for him because like he said, he deserves better. I am so glad that Nikolas and Emily might have a chance now! 

EW! EW! EW! Stefan wanted to sleep with Lydia! That is like sleeping with your grandfather! What is wrong with that man? Well, I shouldn’t say too much because he is as good as dead now!

Well, that’s all I have to say for now! Happy Turkey Day! (For all of you Canadians out there!)

Alexis and Cameron will find themselves falling in love.
Stefan will disappear.
Lydia and Lucky will begin to fall in love, so will Jax and Sam.
Tracy Quartermaine will return.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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