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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Opinion by Melissa Dann

Luke Spencer has to just stop. This trial-like thing he has going on is nuts. When he’s gone from the show, I don’t miss him. The guy’s exhausting. I know there are many longtime Luke fans out there, but I think he should leave the show for good. And if you’re so inclined, you could make a drinking game out of all the times he says “Port Chuckles” or something to that effect. You’d be drunk in no time. He bores me.

On to more exciting things, I love the drama with the Sonny/Carly/Lily’s ghost thing. I like the Alcazar/Sonny/Carly thing too. I think eventually Carly and Alcazar will end up together. Call me crazy, but I can see it happening. I mean, why would she save his life? Sonny has a right to be thinking she cares about the guy. Now, I know you’d have to have something wrong with you not to help your fellow human being when they need it, but c’mon. She’s doing a lot of things to screw things up in her marriage. But, I guess she wouldn’t be Carly if she didn’t mess things up all the time. I’m sure she means well.

This new Sam character is interesting. Her scenes with Jax have been good. She reminds me of Brenda in a way with her dark hair and small build, but I guess her personality is different. It’s kind of funny how darn tall Jax is and how little she is. But she’s big in spunk. I find it interesting how Jax comes back seemingly out of nowhere. I love how the same actors always play his parents.

I want Emily and Nicolas together – now! Why she’s with Xander is beyond me. Yes, she married him, said her vows and the whole bit, but she was basically dying. She couldn’t think straight. Even Xander knows that. It’s time for her to nip this in the bud, stop prolonging the inevitable and just be with the man she really wants. And that ain’t Xander. Even Stevie Wonder could see that.


The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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