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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of September 29, 2003

LINE of the WEEK: Lily to Alkazar "I don't care how much you're paying me, I'm not getting into that coffin."

Does anyone find it really odd that Liz has no trouble forgiving Courtney about hitting her and making her blind, but when Jason and Courtney started dating she wouldn't even talk to her? I was laughing so hard when Liz said I don't like being blind, but I'll forgive you for Jason's sake, this time. So, the next time that Courtney makes her blind she won't forgive her?

Where does Sonny come off telling Faith that she isn't allowed to visit her dead husband's grave? So, now he owns the graveyard, right? He can go and rant and rave at the grave, but Faith isn't allowed there when he's there? Jeez!

I am so glad that Luke I back, and better than ever! This whole storyline where he has kidnapped Stefan is hilarious! Although it was also very sad when Stefan was explaining how much he loved Nikolas. The trial idea is great, but I wonder what will happen when they come to a verdict. Supposedly, this is going to be how Stephen Nichol's exit's the show. I'm sure we all realize the direction in which Luke will go when deciding on a verdict. Bye Bye Stefan!

I do not like the character of Sam and I'm not 100% sure why. I don't know if it's because she's from Port Upchuckles (ode to Luke) or because she is so BORING! I mean what were they thinking when they hired her? She is so ZZZZZZ! I cannot stay awake during any of her scenes. What are they doing to my poor Jax? If they think that she can be a replacement for Brenda, then they have something coming for them. I guess I'll just have to give her time to grow on me.

Well, that's all for this week.

Jason and Courtney will marry
Sonny will ask to move in with Jason
Zander and Emily will call it quits
Lily will begin to feel sympathy for Sonny.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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