G.H. Commentary by Kelly
Week of September 22, 2003
LINE of the WEEK:
"Hello. Do I look like the kind of person who would own anything pink?"
Faith to Sonny.
I am a little bit confused about the whole deal with Lily. If she hadn't had
the plastic surgery until later on in the week then who was at Sonny's house
on the rainy night? Who wrote "I Miss You" on the glass? If "Lily" hadn't
become Lily yet, then why did Alcazar risk putting her there to scare Sonny?
I hope that Lorenzo doesn't die! I no he's evil and everything but I just
love him on General Hospital! I think that Carly will feel guilty for not
calling an ambulance after she finds his body so she will end up calling one
and it will save his life. Then, Alcazar and Sonny won't be in debt to each
other anymore because they have now both helped each other out.
Is anyone else out there sick to death of the Emily, Zander, and Nikolas
storyline? I sure am! Would Emily please just pick a man, and the right one
at that! Both men are extremely good looking, and both have huge hearts!
Either way, she knows that whomever she's with, they'll treat her good. I am
also sick of the way that Emily is treating Jason. I know that he will be
there for her, but she doesn't even ask anymore. She
just demands. A perfect example of this is when she told Nikolas that Jason
would pay off all the debts. She didn't even ask, she just assumed! What
makes her think that Jason can afford to or even wants to pay off Nikolas'
debts? It must be a lot of money or Alcazar wouldn't want Nikolas dead
because of it. Someone needs to tell that girl to stop acting like a spoiled
little rich kid. Why couldn't she pay off the debts anyway? God only knows
how much money the Quartermaines have and god knows that they'd drop
everything to help her out.
Well, that's enough venting for me!
Lorenzo will live.
Sonny will have trouble believing that he is seeing Lily and will think he
is going crazy.
Carly and Sonny will find out that their baby has a heart problem.
Jason and Courtney will get married.
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.
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