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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of September 8, 2003

LINE of the WEEK: (from the past) "I used to be calm and clear headed and decisive. And now I'm frantic and confused and wishy-washy. I mean look at this! I let a man into my life and now I'm pathetic." Alexis Davis.

First off, I would like to take the time to say that Lydia really got on my nerves on Wednesday. Yes, even more than Courtney does. Could this actually be true? Someone annoyed me more than Courtney? What has happened to my world? Just joking. Courtney isn't always that bad. But, Lydia was. I couldn't believe how she was rubbing in the fact that she had Nikolas and Emily had Zander. Then, to make things worse, she put Em down for having cancer by asking her if she was still able to get pregnant. Then, she asked her about Zander "saving" her from the brink of death, right in front of Zander! What the heck did Emily ever do to her? She knows she has the perfect man, Nikolas, so why does she have to rub it in Emily's face? I loved how Emily handled it with such grace and dignity though.

Journey, what can I say about them? ZZZZZZZZZ! I try so hard to stay awake during those scenes, but sometimes its just too hard! Now, don't get me wrong, I love Steve Burton, but puh-lease? What is it we're supposed to do when watching them? The only part that I enjoyed about their scenes this week was when Jason was pounding her on the back for that little massage scene they had going on.

Well, I don't think Elizabeth will stay blind for long. My reasons for this are A) she is an artist. What are we going to do with a blind artist? B) She (Rebecca Herbst) has a three-year contract. She will not be blind for three years! That will be even worse than the Carly is kidnapped storyline.

Well, that's about it for this week. All I wanted to say was CONGRATS to Steve Burton and wife Sheree for the birth of their daughter, Makena Grace. Also, Congratulations to Rebecca Herbst and husband, Michael Saucedo on the pregnancy of their second child.

Liz will only be blind temporarily.
Emily and Nikolas will grow closer.
Luke will return and kidnap Stefan.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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