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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Opinion by Melissa Dann

All I have to say is I hope Emily doesn’t die. When she first came back, it took a while to warm up to her, since I quite liked the old Emily’s performance (I can’t wait to see her in her new show “Joan of Arcadia”). But the new Emily grew on me, and her triangle with Zander and Nicolas is good. I’m not that big of a Zander fan anymore. Not that being a drug dealing hooligan is a good trait, but back then, the guy had some life in him. Now he’s just so sappy drippy in love with Emily, I get a toothache listening to him. But, he’s interesting in the triangle and his scenes with Nicolas when they were drunk at the bar and fighting were priceless. This storyline has to continue, so Emily has to get better. And, she better wise up and pick the man she really loves. And that ain’t Zander.

Courtney, Courtney, Courtney. I’d like to know why she thinks keeping a big secret from Jason is a good idea. Even Carly, the queen of lies and deception, tells her it’s a bad idea. He knows something is really wrong, it’s not like she’s doing a good job of hiding it. Just tell him, he’ll be sad but then you can move on together. Sometimes that girl acts like she has no brain. I think she needs to be a bit smarter. I like her spunk, especially when she goes up against Faith, but 90% of the time, the girl doesn’t think. I hope Carly’s big mouth lets it slip, because it’s ridiculous. I want to throw something at the screen every time she and Jason are together and she doesn’t tell him. But all that would happen is my TV would be broken and she’d still be stupid.

That’s my rant for now.


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