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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of August 4, 2003


Faith to Courtney (about Dillon and Georgie): "What are we going to do with Hansel and Gretel over here?"

I can't believe that Carly is finally coming home! It seems to good to be true. Of course, she's not out of trouble yet, but I have a feeling she'll make it home safe and sound. I'm glad that Alcazar is substituting Carly for Courtney though. Jason has a really hard decision to make. Alcazar sure does pick the wrong people to kidnap though both women have been pregnant. But, I don't think Courtney's pregnancy will last too much longer.

Does anyone think that Faith and Scotty Baldwin would make a great couple? I'm beginning to. They are hilarious together! They seem to have the same things in mind, money and sex, and I thought it was hilarious when he called her 'Faithie.'

I can't believe that Ric is dead. Although, I'm not too sure that things are going to stay that way. It was really sad when he was trying to get Elizabeth to forgive him before he died. If he lives, I think him and Liz may still have a chance at a normal life.

Well, I don't know what else to talk about this week. It's been a pretty eventful week though! Until next week!

Ric will not stay dead for long.
Carly and Sonny will make it home safe.
Lucky will realize that Lydia is battling with depression.
Courtney will lose the baby.
Liz and Ric will be on speaking terms.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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