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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of July 21, 2003

LINE of THE WEEK: Jason to Ric: "I can't hear any more of this. Just shut up!"

I found this week to be pretty boring. Some things were interesting, but I found myself doing other things when GH was on. I think they could have made some of the story lines more interesting. (I.e.: Faith and Sonny teaming up. I was disappointed about how the GH team wrote that storyline. It could have been longer and more in depth.)

I am really enjoying the fact that Nikolas and Emily seem to be falling in love. At the moment, Emily denies her love for Nikolas, but I think that once she sees him marrying Lydia, she'll smarten up. As for Lydia, I think her and Luck will fall in love. The one thing I don't get about the wedding arrangement with Nikolas and Lydia is why they just can't get married and then the next day get divorced. I think that the will only states that they get married. Do they have to stay married?

I loved it when Sonny and Carly reunited! Although, I am sure that Sonny hates the fact that he can see Carly, and touch her, but can do nothing to save her. If that were my partner who was kidnapped, it would kill me to be able to have contact with them, but do almost nothing about it.

I think that Alcazar is falling for Carly. Will this affect his bargaining techniques with Sonny? I can't wait to find out!

I am glad that Elizabeth is finally able to find her voice and speak up to Ric! It was great when she slapped him, yelled at him, and told him she no longer loved him. She is finally taking control of her life. I hope she finds Mr. Perfect. I still think Mr. Perfect is Jason.

I know what I'm about to say will probably sound evil, but I loved it when Sonny was pushing Ric down the stairs! That youknowwhat totally deserves everything he gets!

This storyline with Carly is really dragging on. I hope that they don't make this their summer storyline, although I'm sure they will.


Emily will decline Zander's proposal of marriage.
Lydia and Zander will get married.
Sonny will not kill Ric.
Ric will be the one to rescue Carly.
Lucky and Lydia will realize their feelings for each other.
Dillon and Faith will become romantically attached.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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