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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of July 14, 2003


"Don't manhandle me; I was just trying to adjust her pillow." FAITH to SONNY after he caught her trying to smother Elizabeth.

Just when I thought that Carly was going to escape, someone has to ruin it, gain. I think that Alcazar took her to use as a bargaining tool, so she should be returned home soon. I was so mad that Courtney told Michael that his mommy was coming home before she actually did. He is going to be so upset when Sonny and Jason return without Carly.

Well, I knew that Liz would be no help to Carly. Of course, she chooses right then to faint. I am so glad that she doesn't have any neurological damage, and that she told the police about what a sicko her husband is. I couldn't believe that Ric was trying to kill his wife! If he's trying to stay out of jail, then how will murdering someone help that?

Well, I am completely amazed that Skye's plans worked! Dobson is no more! I am so upset about what may happen to Alexis, but I don't think that anything major will. I think that Kristina should be with whoever loves her, Skye, Ned and Alexis.

So, did Kyle ever love Maxie? Now, all he wants her for is drugs. He is really confusing and soooooooooooo annoying!

I thought it was so funny when Dillon was asking Jason for a job! I cannot see him working in the mob!

So glad that Audrey's getting some more airtime!


The paper that Alcazar gave Dillon will be about how Sonny can save Carly.
Carly will return this week.
Reginald will return.
Zander will propose to Emily.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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