I have noticed for a while (and I'm sure that I'm not the only one) that
most of the GH characters are either bad, evil, or not-very-nice. I read
in Soap Opera Digest that the writers don't like to write for good guys. I
think this is terrible because, without good guys, what is the point of
bad guys? Without evil, there can be no good, and vice versa. Having a few
"grey" characters is okay but we still need heroes. And there are
practically none left in Port Charles.
Here is a list of the characters and what has happened to them:
Sonny (killed Deke and orders hits)
Jason (kills for a living)
Helena (killed Alexis' mother, among others)
Alcazar (both brothers kill wantonly)
Ric (killed one of Faith's men and one of Sonny's men)
Faith (killed her own grandmother and others)
Stefan (ordered Emily killed)
Not very nice people
A.J.* (burns down places, alcoholic who likes to drink and drive,
responsible for Carly's baby's death)
Scott (likes to harass & arrest people without regard to law)
Edward (not above blackmail, threats, and who knows what else)
Coleman (might have committed murder, has done blackmail, sleazy in
Skye (blackmail, lying, stealing, breaking and entering, etc.)
Do illegal stuff (still basically good)
Luke (vandalizing & burning down police station, hitting cops, breaking
into houses and offices, fencing stolen jewels; used to work for a
Jax (corporate raider that does not always adhere to the law)
Carly (married to mobster and is fully aware of the type of activities
that go on; not above blackmail, identity theft, shot Tony, threatened A.J.
and Ric with guns, etc.)
Ned (cleans up his family's messes, some of them illegal; worked with a
mobster to try to bring down another one; planted illegal drugs, etc.)
Nikolas (occasionally commits breaking-and-entering to get what he wants;
probably guilty of corporate misdealings)
Lucky (same as Nikolas but not as much power or money)
Alexis* (responsible for Alcazar's death; ignoring court orders about
visitation to see her daughter; posing as a butler (fraud?); cleaning up
Cassadine messes, possible illegal ones; worked for a mobster as his chief
Summer (prostitution, theft)
Good (notice it's mostly characters that we rarely see)
all the teens (except Kyle, who goes back and forth)
Alan* (almost killed Rick and Monica once; responsible for Rhonda's
boyfriend's death)
Laura* (responsible for Rick and his girlfriend's deaths)
*These characters have been directly responsible for someone's death.
It's very sad how our heroes have been tainted.....
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