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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of June 30, 2003

1) Courtney about Faith: "psychotic mob"
2) Faith to Courtney: "Wake up, silly rabbit. Carly is dead."

How annoying is Emily? She uses everyone in her path, but dumps him or her if she finds no use for him or her. Yes, I do get that she is dying, but does that have to mean always getting your own way? I admit that when she was going to tell Zander about her cancer, and saw him kissing Gia, I was upset, but still managed to yell at the screen "HAHA!"

Today's episode (July 4th) was great! Sonny and Jason bonded, then Sonny cried over the memory of his wife and baby. I loved the song montage that they had while everyone was watching the fireworks! If anyone knows what it's called, please tell me!! The Quartermaines have their own special table for a picnic! The silverware they used was way more expensive looking than my regular silverware! Poor poor Carly! I would want to kill my husband if he was ever near Faith! (Of course, I'm not married, so that won't be a problem.) How cute was Nikolas today? OMG! He was crying! Too sweet!

I never thought that I'd say this, but Faith is great! She's one of those characters that you love to hate and I love to see her on screen. I love this storyline with her and Sonny right now. Although, I am not at all happy about the words he uses towards her. That shows no respect for women!

My once favorite character, Skye, is really getting on my nerves right now! She needs to stop trying to take Kristina away from Alexis! What she did with Alcazar today could cost her Ned and Kristina!

And since when do birth control pills work after putting them into a drink?


Emily will finally tell Zander the truth.
Faith and Sonny will have sex.
Reginald will return once Skye shows the Quartermaines who Alexis/ Dobson really is.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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