G.H. Commentary by Kelly
Week of June 16, 2003
Ric: (to Carly) "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't say Elizabeth's
Carly: "Elizabeth."
Right now, Michael is my hero! I don't think I've ever liked a kid
more than this! I am so glad that he remembered that Ric stole Carly! Now,
there's hope for her and the baby! Although, I think that Sonny and
Jason were doing a pretty great job of finding her themselves! I don't
think that have seen such a great episode in a long time! It all started
when Jason was investigating the Lansing household, and then Michael
revealed that he knew who took his mommy. After that, Sonny caught Ric and
Alkazar, and Carly made the electricity go out. Of course, it is a huge
downfall that she was electrocuted! What will this do to the baby?
Speaking of Carly, what did Ric give her to wear? That is one of the
ugliest outfits I've ever seen! Did Ric just happen to have her pants,
and know her shoe size? If clothes are just going to appear, then they
might as well be nice! Those shoes were just a sin!
Well, I did not see Summer dying just like that! Of course, I knew Emily
wasn't going to die, and I also knew that Summer was leaving, but come
on? Why did it have to be off a cliff? Give the girl a little pride. After
all, she did play a hooker for God knows how many months. I was laughing
so hard when Lucky was "mourning" over the loss of her. Please bring
back Jacob Young or Jonathon Jackson!
Emily better tell Zander about the cancer, and soon. Or else, Gia claim
him as her own.
Last week I made the prediction that baby Morgan will die. I no longer
think that is true. This little kid is a fighter!
I hope that Sonny doesn't do too much to Ric. Right now, Ric is the only
one who can help Carly.
How adorable is baby Kristina? I can certainly see why so many people are
fighting over her!
I still say that Liz will help in rescuing Carly.
A relationship will form between Dillon and Georgie.
Dobson will be gone, forever!
Ned and Skye's romance will evolve.
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