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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of June 9, 2003


(After telling Dillon how upset she is about prom turned out.)

Georgie: "Go ahead"stick me."

Dillon: "With a butter knife?"

Ric is seriously messed up! Liz should run from him, as fast as she can.  What is he going to do to Carly? Does he think that he can deliver a baby?  He's a lawyer and a doctor!

The funniest thing, this week, was when Dobson was getting drunk! It was hilarious! The best part, though, was when "he" fell! I almost fell out of my seat! It was also really funny when Alexis was imitating Skye.  Nancy Lee Grahn is such a great actress, and she portrays Dobson and Alexis so well!

I am so glad that Courtney and Jason didn't end up getting married!  Although I'm happy if Jason's happy, I can't help but thinking that there is somebody better for him than Courtney. Didn't he look amazing for the wedding though?

At first, I thought what Emily was trying to do to help Zander was nice, but now I think she's taking it a little too far. He loves her, and now all she's doing is hurting him. But, I do think that her and Nikolas look so cute together. Maybe they'll have a real relationship instead of a fake one.

People that got on my nerves this week:

1. Courtney: How could she yell at Carly for being worried about the baby and Sonny?

2. Georgie: Doesn't she realize that Dillon likes her? She shouldn't be yelling at him either, he's too cute!

3. Tracy: For dumping her son on the Q's, again!

4. Scotty: For letting Lorenzo off the hook.

5. Lorenzo: For stirring up a lot of trouble! (I think it's great that Ted King is back though!)


Dobson's time will soon be up.

Carly will escape, because Elizabeth will help her.

Sonny will think that Lorenzo took Carly, but then realize that Ric actually did.

Baby Morgan will die.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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