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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of June 2, 2003

LINE of the WEEK:

"What are you going to do? Hold back my hair while Courtney Cottontail punches me?" (FAITH to CARLY after being threatened.)

I am so glad that Stefan is back! Does this mean that Helena will soon be returning? We can only pray.

Are Ned and Skye dense? Don't they realize that Dobson is actually Alexis? Dobson is using legal terms, just like Alexis would have. They're smart enough to realize that Dobson is associated with Alexis, all they have to do I go one step further!

The funniest thing I've heard in a while had to be when Zander told Skye and Ned that his father was gay. OMG!

I really think that Laura should return, and soon! Luke loves her so much, and I want to see whom she will pick; Stefan or Luke.

What is going on with Ric? Does he think that he is just going to be able to hide the fact that there is a baby in the house? And, isn't he stealing this baby for Elizabeth? How can it be for Liz if she's never going to be allowed inside the room? Besides, she will give it back anyway.

How fast was Emily's chemotherapy? 30 seconds, TOPS! I realize that for TV purposes, you have to speed things up a little bit, but come on!

People that got on my nerves this week:

COURTNEY! Of course, she always gets on my nerves, but this week even more. I couldn't believe that she left Carly to go and see BRENDA!  There's a phone for that! Doesn't she realize that Carly makes bad choices under certain conditions? If the baby dies, than my finger will be pointed at little miss Courtney Cottontail!

Janine: How gross is she? If I were Sonny, Jason, Carly, or Courtney, I would have slapped her and HARD!

Dobson: He always has an answer for everything, and he's always in your face!


Dobson will say his goodbyes.

Zander will find out the truth about Emily from one of the Quartermaines.

Nicholas will begin to actually fall in love with Emily.

"Alcazar" is really not. It's his twin brother.

Sonny will be O.K.

Carly will go into premature labor, but they will be able to stop it.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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