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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of May 26 - May 30, 2003


"I've been de-Q'ed."

I never thought I'd like Dobson, but I do. "He's" a really funny character! I felt really bad for "him" when Alice wanted to go out on a date with him. EW! What is going on with Ric? That's just wrong that he stole that baby toy. Does he think that nobody will notice if steals baby Morgan? How long does he think that he can hide the panic room from Elizabeth? Let's just call Carly's party the Wedding Shower from hell! First, Courtney' s old "colleagues" drop-in and a drunk and annoying Janine comes. I think it's a sign for Corndog to stay away from Jason. I was so glad that Skye yelled at A.J! She's taking control of her life. I loved it when Jason had to try on all those tuxes! I was hoping that they really would put him in that kilt. LOL. I am so glad that Ned and Skye are hooking up! I hope Skye is doing it for the right reasons though. She shouldn't be trying to claim baby K as her own.


Alexis' time will be up due to the fact that Cameron knows.

Reginald will soon return.

Stefan will return.

Lucky will try to mend Luke and Nikolas' relationship.

Zander will find out the truth about Emily.

Georgie will go to the prom with Lucas and finally realize that she likes Dillon. She'll' also realize that Lucas really only likes Maxie. (Which, by the way, is gross. They're cousins!)

Well, that's it for this week. Talk to you soon!


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