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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Kelly

Week of May 12, 2003

LINE OF THE WEEK "Did you just empathize with me?" "Yeah, don't tell anyone."

How dumb are the Quartermaines? Can't they tell that "Dobson" is actually Alexis? Especially Skye. First, she smells the stench of aftershave on Alexis, and then Ned comes in the room and tells her that there is a strong stench of "Dobson." Wouldn't you put two and two together?

Speaking of Alexis, doesn't she want to get her daughter back? You wouldn't think so. Everything she's doing is only going to keep her daughter far away.

I was really glad that Liz slapped Courtney. I just wish it was me instead of Liz.

Go Skye! I'm glad she's finally taking control of her life and trying to have a baby. Hopefully this will keep her away from the booze. Although I doubt it will.


I was so upset that Vanessa Marcil won the award for best supporting actress! I think it should have gone to Robin Christopher! Vanessa was only on the show for six months and she is nowhere near as good an actress as Robin. I loved the singing. Wally Kurth was great! How cute is he? I was hoping that Nancy Lee Grahn would win; especially since her daughter Kate was there. I hate it when the kids don't get to see there parents win. I was extremely happy that Maurice Benard won! Too bad it wasn't a tie between him and Anthony Geary.


I don't think that Skye will be able to carry a baby. But, I do think that she will have one. Hopefully her and Ned will adopt one together. I think that Liz and Ric will get back together. Sonny and Ric will decide to call a truce and get off each other's backs. Jason and Courtney will not get married.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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