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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Anna

Week of April 28, 2003 – “A Slap Well Deserved”

Line(s) of the Week:
“The man hung me on a meat hook.”
“Hell, all you need to do now is flag down a semi.”
“Besides, I got Sonny right where I want him.”

Overall Commentary:

My favorite parts of last weeks episodes of G.H. was Skye’s new soft side.  I loved her with Michael and can’t wait to see the new Skye story unfold.  She really does need to find herself outside of the Chandler’s and Quatermaine’s.  I’m just sorry that Ned came to see her when she was drunk; she sure sobered up quickly though when she went over to see Jax.  Jax intervening to get Ned to hire her is a great set up for the “Ned & Skye Story.”

My second favorite part was the Liz/Ric fallout.  If there was ever a slap well deserved, it was that one, Liz slapping Ric.  I’m glad that Liz is no longer in the dark about Ric’s lies, but I wish she had found out more before she went to see Carly.  I hated seeing them fight and Jason being so rude to her.  That poor girl needs someone on her side.  What is odd though is that she is not there with Emily during her ordeal.  She’ll loose her last friend if she doesn’t start talking to her.

General Comments:

  • Zander needs to know Emily has cancer!
  • Dillon at the Q’s, let’s see how messed up he becomes.
  • Courtney captured – I was yelling “Yeah, leave her there.”
  • Ok, Ric needs to shoot Sonny, or Sonny needs to shoot Ric.  Enough already.
  • Last but not least, doesn’t Carly know she should stay off the Q’s staircase?

More next time and thanks for reading! Peace to all.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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