G.H. Commentary by Anna
Week of March 17, 2003 –
Getting Old”
Line of the Week:
Overall Commentary:
little I saw of Ric and Elizabeth this week was good.
(Setting aside her bad hair days).
I missed the episode where Liz went to bed with Ric.
I feel it is so out of character for her, just like her sleeping
with Zander was. Ok
now, best friend is coming back into town!
It will be interesting to see how Emily reacts to that bit of news.
Liz’s character is doing things that make her seem like a totally
different person. Plus, I
cannot understand why she would involve herself with another one of
Sonny's wannabes.
I also don't understand how
Sonny can talk to Courtney about being in danger because of Jason while he
is still with Carly. He is
such a hypocrite. His rants are
getting old. He's allowed to have a wife and a family and
Jason is not, and here I though Jason was like a brother to him.
Courtney actually giving Carly some advice, do we really believe that
Courtney has a brain cell? If
she does, she looses it, then gets it back, then looses it again.
I wish they would make up their mind with her.
And why does she even bother showing up at Kelly’s?
I mean, come on! You
have another job; your boyfriend pays for your rent and food, move on!
Summer's story is certainly
taking an interesting turn. Her
and Nik, finding lost brother, I hope this brings some life to the show. Now why isn’t Nik more concerned about Alexis? We all know
they are “supposed” to be very close.
This is G.H. getting very bad with their history.
General Comments:
I didn’t watch Benny's funeral.
If we saw more of his character while he was alive, I might
have cared.
do I miss Brenda!!!
Jason care that Liz was kissing Ric?
- I
am so sick of Courtney and Liz's cat fights, stop already, PLEASE!
More next time and thanks for reading! Peace to all.
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