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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Anna

Week of February 24, 2003 – “I Loved It and Hated It”

Line of the Week:
To: Sonny From: Luke

“It’s an atheist hell to find out there’s a heaven and you’re in it!”

Overall Commentary:

Well, I have to say that there are so many things that I hated about last weeks episodes.  We had the same old Carly and Sonny screaming at each other, (then ending up making out), Courtney and Jason singing the same old song and dance, Alexis faking whatever she’s faking, Scotty being a jerk, weirdness all around with Gia, Nik and Zander, and last but not least the eewww factor with Luke and Summer.

Then there are the few things I loved.  I was very glad that Lucky found out about Luke and Summer.  And finally! A slap that was justified!  I felt bad for Summer because I really like her and Lucky was jumping to all sorts of conclusions without even talking to her.  I could actually see where she was coming from.  At least now she’ll have to make a decision.

Loving the fact that Skye had a talk with Daddy.  It was nice hearing her talk about her true feelings and him actually giving her some good advice.  I’m hoping she listens to him and realizes she can still love Jax, but it may not be what is best for her.

GH Fan February:  This one I loved and hated.  I loved Luke, his lines, him acting like the old Luke again.  I really miss laughing and having fun with this soap.  But I hated it being all about Sonny.  Now don’t get me wrong, I like Sonny and what he brings to G.H., but there are so many other characters and stories that could have been included.  Like Liz and Jason hitting the sheets, the Q’s sitting down peacefully to complete a meal, (fantasy remember), Alexis being able to spend quality time with her baby, Taggert getting a girl and solving a case, I could go on and on…..  See, it’s possible without Sonny. 

General Comments:

  • Funny pinky ring on Jason, that image is embedded in my brain.
  • Luke and his facial expression when he looked at Skye’s hooters!  Priceless!
  • Second line of the Week:  “It’s been a long time since you told me to breathe.” – I really miss them together.
  • Wow did baby Kristina get huge!  Good for her.

More next time and thanks for reading!

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