G.H. Commentary by Anna
Week of February 10 & 17, 2003 –
“The Wedding that Never Will Be”
Line of the Week:
To: Coleman From: Skye
“Revenge is so much sweeter when you don’t have to lift a finger, or
pull a trigger.”
Overall Commentary:
I am combining last weeks and this week’s commentary because I didn’t
have much to say about last week’s events.
Lucky got lucky, Courtney is still naïve, and Jax is as selfish as
can be (at least he had the decency to say “thank you” to Jason for
signing the annulment while half dead).
I know there is a huge S/B
fan base that loved their kiss. I am one of them.
What I found very refreshing, Brenda thanking him for her life, she
finally gets it. Though, I
have to say, that was the first time I’ve ever felt really bad for the
NuCarly. (Sorry, Sarah Brown fan).
Which leads us to The
Wedding that Never Will Be…. Wow
I didn’t think Jax could be a bigger idiot that he already was. I am glad that Brenda stood up for herself and told Jax that
after him doing this to her, she doesn’t want to marry him either.
I think it’s the perfect end to a long saga.
They needed to end it so that when Brenda comes back
(I’m praying), she won’t have ties to either man and can work
her way to Jason.
Skye hit it on the head
when she pointed out that even Brenda couldn’t live up to Jax’s
Most powerful scene:
Sonny told Jason while in the hospital “I used you to keep me in
power.” – I thought that was very true and interesting that he
admitted it.
Dumbest comment: Courtney
to Jason “My daddy say’s your addicted to your job”, boy was that a
Lamest excuse: Sonny
saying it’s OK for him to betray his wife. Not even he would let that
one fly.
It made me cry too: Jason
and Brenda in his apartment. The
way Jax treated her and Jason being so caring.
Funniest moments: Skye
and Coleman, they can’t keep their hands off each other and of course
Jason and Brenda in the airport. What
was up about the cookies?
General Comments:
- Brenda using her sleeves to wipe her nose, eeeewwww.
- Alexis/Cameron/Kristina – Fast Forward, I can’t even watch it.
- Brenda looking gorgeous on her umpteenth wedding day, of course.
- What is Ric up to? I
like him so much. J
And how the hell can Carly work side by side with the guy after what
he’s done?
- Jason’s loyalty is getting old.
- Last but not least, the NuNuLucky needs a new wardrobe.
More next time and thanks for reading!
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