G.H. Commentary by Anna
Week of February 2, 2003 – “Nothing
too Exciting”
Line of the Week:
To: Carly - From: Sonny
“I don’t care how Jason’s relationship with Courtney started. What
matters it that it ends.”
Overall Commentary:
For me this was a very slow week. The
best part though was on Monday with Brenda and Jason in the Dominican
Republic. She did make sense
about her needing to slow down. Every
time she’s close to happiness, something terrible happens.
But part of me was hoping that she was really going to admit that
she loved Jason. A girl can
only hope.
Ric is a very good
sneak. Did you notice how
well he was playing into Sonny’s needs?
Being there for everything while Jason is ”unavailable”.
I’m loving it and wondering what he’s up to, you know there’s
more to him than meets the eye, but what is it?
I’m surprised it has
taken Sonny this long to find out about Courtney and Jason. I mean, for his right hand man, (even with the murder), Sonny
has always known exactly where Jason was and whom he was involved with.
And isn’t it lovely how Sonny takes the initiative to send
Courtney away to college? “Do
it” I say, “Do it!!” It’s
time for the whiney baby to go away and come back an adult or maybe not
come back at all.
Skye makes a much
better sober person than a drunk, because she has so much potential.
She looked so happy with the possibility of getting Jax back; I
wanted to yell at the screen for her to come to her senses.
She shouldn’t just take him back so easily.
I know they are not together yet, but if a man treated me the way
he did, he would have a lot more hell to pay.
General Comments:
· Did you notice when Carly and Sonny went into the cottage, she was
carrying all of the bags and Sonny was carrying a little basket!!!
· Alexis as Kristina is creepy, very creepy.
More next time and thanks for reading!
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