G.H. Commentary by Anna
Week of January 27, 2003 – “What are they doing to Alexis?”
Line of the Week:
To: Alexis/Kristina
From: Alexis/Kristina
“Alexis doesn’t live here anymore.”
Overall Commentary:
I am cringing at what they are doing to Alexis’s character. I love her strong, independent, woman of the world self, and this split personality thing is pure soap opera. If any actress on G.H. can accomplish this task of a split personality though, it’s Nancy Lee Grahn. One request: If Alexis does have a second personality and that second personality (Kristina) did kill Alcazar, please have her off Carly! Or at least try to. J
Now onto a few other people: Skye looked pathetic after the trail. My heart goes out to her. I just wish Jax would go away. How dare he come to her defense and try to rescue her after all he’s done the last few months. He’s the reason she’s at this low point to begin with! But I am enjoying seeing the old Jax again, and not that selfish, idiot that’s panting after Brenda.
Ok, so Brenda loves Jason, they respect each other. What the heck does she plan on doing about it after she accepted Jax’s proposal. I mean, come on! On guy at a time, first DUMP Jax and then go after Jason! J
General Comments:
· Liz was a little witchy this week, so now we know she still wants Jason. Then what is she doing with Ric?
· This trail is getting sillier and sillier! End it already please!
· Glad to see Mac being a part of PC again. I miss his character and love how he brings heart to the PCPD.
· Sonny really needs to see a psychiatrist or go to an anger management class.
More next time and thanks for reading!
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