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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

Actors Threatening to Leave?

Written 1/13/03 by Suzanne originally for Bella Online

There are rumors that three actors are leaving GH: Real Andrews (Taggert), Coltin Scott (Nikolas), and Billy Warlock (A.J.) On the bright side, it's also rumored that A Martinez (Roy) is returning. Are these rumors or valid news? I went out on the Web to find the truth.

From what I've been reading on the web, it sounds like Real IS saying that he's not going to renew when his contract expires because they promised him more story and he's not getting it. (that is from his own site's message board) It could be a negotiating ploy, however....

Frankly, while I like Real just fine, I don't think he's A list material. He doesn't have the charisma that the main GH actors do. Just my opinion, of course, please don't spam me! I think it sucks that they brought in his mom and sister and then did much of nothing to give him more background, and didn't let the fine actress who played his mother do more. It would have enriched all of the characters.

I wouldn't be surprised about Coltin Scott leaving. He's a young guy and probably feels this is his chance to fly. He's got a great singing voice, too. And they've written out most of his family, replaced his girlfriend, and given him very little to do. It's a big cast, so some people will probably go, and he's a good bet. I haven't seen anything definite about him leaving, but I just think it's a good bet.

As for Billy Warlock, I would be surprised if he left without having an offer from some other show. He's not a spring chicken any more and he's gotten lots of story, even if it may not be to his liking. Remember, he already had the whole try-for-primetime-tv-and-movies bit, and what happened? He had to go back to soaps. I don't mean to bad-mouth Billy. I think he's great, a good actor and really good-looking, and he's got that great speaking voice. But he's not young (even though he often looks it) and Hollywood is not very kind to people who aren't "fresh faces". Even A Martinez might be coming back, and he's a much bigger star than Billy, IMO. So I would be surprised if Billy left, because he wants to earn that paycheck. But I could be wrong and perhaps the rumors about Billy getting an offer from Days of Our Lives is valid, in which case, he could think that the grass is greener in other soap pastures.

That's my two cents, for whatever it's worth :)

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