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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Commentary by Anna

Week of December 30, 2002 - "Good and Bad Acting"

Bad Acting - Bobbie needs to tone down her acting. It might just be me (and all of her face lifts), but she needs to try closing her mouth a little and stop puckering with every sentence! Though saving the scene was Ric apologizing to Carly for pushing Sonny about becoming legit. A real man knows when he goes to far.

Good Acting - Some people really liked the 1926 New Year's story, but I preferred how it was told. Gloria Stuart was wonderful and Carly's reaction to the story was very appropriate. I am fond of the idea of Carly's new club, but after that tale I think I would leave that place alone. Talk about walking into bad karma.

It was great to see Zander even if only for a few minutes.

NuGia is starting to bug me. The old Gia would never have to prove herself and the NuGia is working way to hard to prove herself to everyone. Please put Nik out of his misery and get that boy a life. Doesn't he have a kingdom to run now that Stephan is gone?

I found it very sad that Luke didn't even know how old his own daughter is. And reenacting the hotel room scene was just weird.

Jason/Brenda acting married was great, I love how they are both keeping their word and sticking together. Now Jax on the other hand is just pathetic!! I mean, can a man whine any more than he does? "This is all about Sonny." Yadda Yadda Yadda. He needs to just get over it and stand behind what Brenda wants to do for herself. What I did find amusing was that Ingo didn't seem to be enjoying those lines anymore than I was, I think he's tired of this new Jax persona and wants the old Jax back.

'til next time, 

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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