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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Opinion by Suzi

Now, I don't know if I believe that Skye killed Alkazar, or if Mr. Ric Lansing did.

Gia and Nikolas are starting to fall apart, aren't they? This NuGia is ruining their relationship, although she can act and fills the part GREATLY...Taggert needs to back off a little bit, though, he's got a major attitude, like...'Hey Sis, You know better then tampering with evidence....You could've asked me...' Instead of practically saying "I should throw you in jail right now....

Sonny and Carly are still my #1 couple, though I like some others that are starting to come together...Jason and Courtney, Skye and Coleman (that'd be great), Brenda and Jax (my #2 couple).....Lucas and Georgie would be a twist and LIZ AND RIC or LIZ AND LUCKY.....ABC needs more couples, more romance to spice it up more, huh?

I loved Tuesday 12/31/02 (the black and white 1920's episode)! It was GREAT, depressing but GREAT!!!

Summer and Luke are ruining GH... Luke belongs with Laura...BRING HER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand him with ANYONE else.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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