What they should do on soaps
this year by
January 2002
Here is what I would like to see soaps
do in the future (especially
GH, my long-time fave).
Bring in more non-soap writers. Don't
just copy other soaps. If
you must copy, then do it from a
totally original perspective. Port
Charles: Tainted Love was not just
successful because of the
They didn't just say, "OK, let's jump on the bandwagon
ŕ la
Passions and
do weird stuff". They molded established characters with extremely
charismatic guest-stars in a story that hasn't been done before (or
least since "Dark Shadows" went off the air). And unlike Passions,
show was done fairly seriously and not tongue-in-cheek.
Take a little more time to tell your story, the way soaps used to.
When a new character comes on the show, take time to let us get
to know them and show them interacting with the established
characters. Don't force them down our throats every episode and
then have them fall in love with someone in two weeks.
Let the characters be friends/partners/neighbors/whatever long
before they jump into bed. Otherwise, why should we care when/if
they break up or have other crises in their relationships? I like One
Life to Live, but I don't care about Keri/Antonio or Al/Jen/Cristian or
Sam/Nora or Lindsay/Troy/Nora nearly as much as I'd like to. I like
Antonio but he had barely been back when they forced him into a
relationship with his brother's ex-girlfriend and then brought in
Everyone vanished after a while, but I didn't care….and then they
Antonio back again and right away he's in love with Keri, whom he
(and we)
just met. Jen and Cristian are horribly boring, mostly because the
actress who plays Jen is a blank model-type who can't act. Why
should I
care if she sleeps with Al, who should be about 9 as far as I can
remember…I just barely got used to Al being a grown-up when they
him with another actor. Who cares about any of them and about
who slept
with whom? I miss the old Sam and they seem to be forcing the
new one
into a relationship with Nora just so they can have a triangle with
or quadrangle with Lindsay. Put Nora and Bo back together! I
loved Colin
and the actor is great, and I might like Troy, given some time…I
can't see
him with Nora, though, since he looks young enough to be her son.
we already do this story with Joey and Dorian? On the positive
kudos for finally giving Hank and R.J. a story!! Now bring back Viki
Ben, and get rid of Gabrielle (and maybe Max, who seems to switch
personalities as often as he does bed mates).
Now, back to GH. The cast is huge and they seem to be trying to
pare it down. But they're doing it the wrong way. Instead of getting
of the talented Jensen Buchanan, how about writing a story for her?
At the
very least, have a Melissa/Roy/Bobbie triangle because we never
really got
to see that. One day Roy was with Bobbie, the next day he was
Melissa. So much for true love! Bring Jerry back and make it even
interesting! We don't want to see Bobbie with Scotty again,
although Tony
might be okay.
Here is how the rest of the story should go: Carly
Sonny and Alexis in bed (or any compromising position that leads
her to
think they're having sex) and reneges on her promise to let him
Michael. Robin dies (offscreen!) of AIDS, having not told anyone
that her
HIV turned into AIDS. This starts Mac on a tailspin. Robin's death,
Anna's distance, and the breakup with Felicia have taken their toll.
starts to lose it and either abuses his authority or just plain starts
going mental/hitting the bottle. Even Taggert thinks Mac is going
far. Mac loses his job and starts really hitting bottom (and btw, put
John J. York back on contract!). Anna even comes to town at one
point to
try to help him. Carly, learning that Robin is dead, leaves town to
to work things out with Jason. It is revealed that Courtney is
long lost sister. Janine leaves town or at least is seldom seen after
that. Mike Corbin and Lesley Webber date. Laura worries about
her mother
dating the mobster's father (who also has gambling problems and a
he just learned about!). Later, Rick Webber and his grown son
Mike return
to town. Rick and Lesley were never divorced, since they thought
she was
dead. We suddenly have a Rick/Lesley/Mike triangle with lots of
flashbacks or mentions of the past with Rick and Lesley. Zander
Kristina hook up, leaving Alexis and Sonny to argue about her little
sister dating the mobster-in-training. Ned gets interested in Alexis
again and they grow closer. Now there is a Ned/Alexis/Sonny
Jax and Skye get together; he helps her to become less neurotic,
but Jax
has trouble dealing with her scheming. They get married and he
becomes a
member of the Quartermaine family, with all that entails. A.J. stops
trying to get custody of Michael and works with Jax, Ned, and
Skye against
Sonny. Monica and Skye come to an uneasy but realistic truce.
falls in love with Taggert and we see his mother around a lot more,
this also adds to Mac's problems. Stavros is discovered to be alive
all. Nikolas and Stefan force Helena to program Stavros the way
she did
Lucky, so that he is no longer evil. Nikolas and Stavros try to forge
relationship but have to try to negotiate Stavros' freedom (since he
killed Chloe). Stavros works out a deal in exchange for putting
away and gets probation and community service.
This causes problems between Nikolas and Gia, as well as with
Alexis and Stefan, who want nothing to do with Stavros, even
though he's seemingly reformed. Luke and Laura have problems
with Stavros being alive and free, too. Kristina is the only other
Cassadine who accepts Stavros so this causes more problems
between her and Alexis. I thought of all this in a few hours, so
surely the professional writers can give us something just as
intriguing, or more!
And for the soap magazines….please stop bashing GH, especially
the Cassadines! I love Robert Kelker Kelly and he did an excellent
job as Stavros. The writers had a lot of hurtles to overcome, not
the least of which was trying to please an over-sensitive public after
9/11 disaster and subsequent anthrax attacks. They should have
given us
more credit; we know the difference between real life and a soap
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.
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